Wadsworth Birther and Family Care

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Postpartum Doula Care: My Background

In the spring of 2017, I was in the middle of my parental leave with my newborn, Rowan, realizing how unprepared I felt for this stage of parenthood.

I had read all the books and watched the videos about TTC and pregnancy, researched hospital birth vs. home birth, and even taken a movement for birth class.

But what I wasn't prepared for was feeding and changing a newborn every two(!) hours, having to change my food intake based on their dietary restrictions, or how isolating it can feel to be just you and your new baby - know matter how much you love and adore them!

So what did I do?

I became a Postpartum Doula - Certified by Warm Welcome Birth

headshot of taylor

tips & resources

taylor dressed as a milk cartoon in a store isle with halloween costumes all askew

Click to view the Postpartum Doula Care services I can offer to you and your growing family

i fed my baby using donor milk la leche league badge

Check out these resources for places to meet-up with other parents and caregivers, access discounted services and goods, and more!

how many grown-ups do you have book cover and 5/5 goodreads star review

View my Goodreads profile to see the books I recommend or have been recomennded to me relating to TTC, pregnancy, birth, pospartum, and more.